
HSE's School of Psychology is launching a new CPD programme ‘Plurilingual Intercultural Creative Keys’ (PICK). The programme was specially developed by the HSE Laboratory for Linguistic, Intercultural and Creative Competencies and is based on the innovative PICK training system designed to improve the skills of school teachers and tutors, as well as parents involved in teaching their children at home. The programme will be taught in Russian.
January 12, 2023

Research projects

Research projects

Plurilingual Intercultural Creative Keys (PICK) educational system
The project develops an educational system aiming at facilitating systemic adaptation of school children by nurturing their linguistic, intercultural and creative competencies.

About the project

Plurilingual Creativity
The project involves empirical research within the Plurilingual Creativity paradigm.

About the project

The study of the role of linguistic, intercultural, and creative competencies in the development of systemic adaptation.

About the project

Xenoglossophobia. Etiology and therapy
The study of the influence of cognitive, personal, and contextual factors on the occurrence of foreign language anxiety and the methods of overcoming it.

About the project

The role of code-switching in the development of creative potential
The project investigates the impact of code-switching on the development of creative potential. It also aims to introduce the practice of code-switching in the foreign language classes in a modern school.

About the project

Adaptation of EPoC test
The project adapts the Evaluation of Potential Creativity (EPoC) test to Russian speakers.

About the project

Metaphorical thinking in multilinguals' creativity
The project investigates the role of metaphorical thinking in creativity among multilinguals.

About the project



Anatoly V. Kharkhurin

Associate professor
School of Psychology

Sergey R. Yagolkovskiy

Associate Professor
School of Psychology

Tatyana A. Yudina

Research Fellow
School of Psychology

Ekaterina Kashirskaya

Research Fellow
School of Psychology

Valeriya Koncha

Research Fellow
Faculty of Social Sciences

Agniya S. Pasechnik

PhD student
School of Psychology

Vlada Repeykova

PhD student
School of Psychology

Asiia Erzhanova

PhD Student
School of Psychology

Angelina Zlobinova




Ekaterina V. Kashirskaya, Belova S., Anatoliy V. Kharkhurin. University students’ burnout profiles and their relation to creativity and multilingualism// System. 2024. Vol. 123. Article 103309. doi

Erzhanova A., Kharkhurin A. V., Koncha V. The Influence of Big Five Personality Traits On Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety// Psychology. Journal of the Higher School of Economics. 2024. Vol. 21. No. 1. P. 184-201. doi

natoliy V. Kharkhurin, Koncha V., Charkhabi M. The effects of plurilingualism and pluriculturalism on divergent thinking: testing the moderating role of personality traits // International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism. 2023. Vol. 27. No. 6. P. 772-792. doiAnatoliy V. Kharkhurin, Koncha V., Charkhabi M. Effects of plurilingualism and pluriculturalism on creativity: testing the mediating role of tolerance and intolerance of ambiguity// International Journal of Multilingualism. 2023. P. 1-24. doi

Erzhanova A., Koncha V., Kharkhurin A. V. Exploring xenoglossophobia: How subjective socio-demographic status and language experience relate to foreign language classroom anxiety?// Психологические исследования: электронный научный журнал. 2023. Vol. 16. No. 90. Article 3. doi

Kharkhurin A. V., Koncha V., Charkhabi M. The effects of multilingual and multicultural practices on divergent thinking. Implications for plurilingual creativity paradigm // Bilingualism: Language and Cognition. 2023. Vol. 26. No. 3. P. 592-609. doi

Хархурин А. В., Каширская Е. В. Вклад креативных, межкультурных и языковых компетенций в развитие человеческого потенциала и системной адаптации личности  // В кн. : Человеческий потенциал: современные трактовки и результаты исследований.  / Науч. ред.: Л. Н. ОвчароваВ. А. АникинП. С. Сорокин. М. : Всероссийский центр изучения общественного мнения, 2023. doi С. 278-304.

Каширская Е. В., Хархурин А. В. «Ключи к полилингвальному, межкультурному и творческому образованию»: новый подход к развитию навыков ХХI века у школьников и студентов// В кн. : Психология сегодня: актуальные исследования и перспективы: материалы Всероссийского психологического форума : в 2 т. Екатеринбург, 28–30 сентября 2022 года. Т. 1 Екатеринбург : Издательство Уральского университета, 2022. С. 387-391.


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